Wanderlust; the true meaning

Over the last year or so I've really noticed the word "wanderlust" being thrown around a lot. This word can be found scattered around on Tumblr, tattooed on hipsters and used by anyone and everyone who counts going to Spain for the last few years in a row as "well-travelled". I really wanted to discuss the real meaning of wanderlust. 

Firstly, wanderlust is defined as a "strong, overwhelming and consuming desire to travel and explore the world"... Which, in my opinion, does not equate to three weeks in Asia organised by a travel agency. Secondly, to understand what wanderlust really means, is to really feel it. I can safely say, over the last year or so I've felt an overwhelming sense of anticipation and desire to explore and see everything. It's not just wanting to go and get a bit or sun, or a break away from normal life. This feeling constitutes to leaving it all behind, and never coming back. 

Don't worry, I'm completely sane and know whole-hearted lot that this isn't at all possible right now. However, experiencing this feeling has really put things in perspective for me. I want to factor explorative travel into my "plan". From my previous entries you'll be aware that I've become more aware spiritually, and I think this is heavily influencing my urge to explore and learn. 

I'd really love to travel around Asia and India for the culture and history (oh, and of course the street food!). The Middle East is also on my list, being brought up Catholic, everything about the region intrigues me, not just from a Christian point of view, all religion really interests me. Moreover, I feel there's something waiting out there for me, something I'm supposed to realise or discover on my travels, and I'm just itching to find out what it is.

Allah Al Watan Al Malik, Agadir, Morocco

As it stands, my boyfriend and I are off to Agadir, Morocco just after my Graduation Ball on 5 June for a week whilst we prepare for a longer trip to India later in the year (around 3 weeks!). 

Residential Area in Agadir

He really wants to see more of Africa, having already been to South Africa with rugby, so this is a little taster to see if we'd like to travel there at a later date.

One travelling couple that has really inspired us both are the Goats On The Road (http://www.goatsontheroad.com), who write an excellent, ongoing travel blog for couples. Their blog makes me insanely jealous, but so motivated to make it a reality! They write really honest, constructive reviews and advice, and identify more unique places to visit for off-the-beaten-track types.

Catalonian Architecture in Barcelona, Spain

Additionally to this, I'm in the process of discussing some sort of adventure with one of my good friends from school, as well as another potential girly weekend trip to Barcelona. I am absolutely determined to get the best out of 2014/2015, and it's going to mean as much travelling as possible.

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